Chapter 15 – Glazing & Vision



  • Pages: 26
  • File type: PDF
  • File size: 1.7 MB
  • Free download

Having good vision whilst driving a low volume vehicle is achieved by the right attention to a combination of systems; primarily, the kind of glazing used, and the positioning of rear view mirrors. Additionally, the driver’s vision can be further influenced by the presence of engine hood protrusions, and during wet weather conditions, the quality of the windscreen washing and wiping system. With the right attention paid to these areas, your chances of saving your pride and joy from errant gates, posts, and other objects capable of damaging that $5000-plus paint-job are maximised. The correct glazing will also minimise the likelihood of serious injury if someone was to come into contact with it during an impact.

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The manual can be downloaded as a complete manual or as individual chapters free of charge, or alternatively, the complete manual can be purchased in hard-copy. Click here to view all available options.

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When an electronic copy of the CCM is downloaded, you will be required to supply a valid email address. This email address will become your manuals unique identifier.  From time to time the content of the CCM will be amended or updated to reflect changes in trends, system improvements, or to clarify existing requirements and this email address will be used by LVVTA to notify you of any updates to the manual.

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The NZ Car Construction Manual (referred to as the ‘CCM’, and previously entitled the NZ Hobby Car Technical Manual) is a comprehensive technical manual encompassing the many aspects of vehicle design, modification and construction. Over the years the scope of the manual has expanded to encompass many types of modified vehicles. It is developed by the Low Volume Vehicle Technical Association Inc (LVVTA) and is incorporated by reference into the LVV Standards, which are in turn incorporated by reference in the NZ Land Transport Rules.

The CCM first became available for purchase online on the 1st of November 2016. Electronic downloads of the NZ Car Construction Manual became free-of-charge on the 1st of February 2021.

Amendment Records

For a full list of all amendments, click here.
